Mayo Clinic's billing process

After you receive care, each episode of care will be assigned a visit number, and this number is attached to the end of the Mayo Clinic number. The visit number is used to track services and payments. In some cases, there may be multiple visit numbers associated with the same episode of care.

Mayo Clinic will send you an itemized statement of charges. This document is not a bill. It will provide detailed visit billing information that won't appear on the monthly statement of account. Please retain this information for your records.

The itemized statement of charges includes the following information:

  • Itemized list of charges for services at one of Mayo Clinic's facilities
  • Identification of and information concerning your insurance company, if applicable

You may see more than one charge for one office visit. This can occur because the routine and preventive portion of the visit must be billed separately from the nonroutine and nonpreventive portion.

In some cases, you may receive multiple itemized statements associated with the same visit. You'll receive a separate itemized statement for each facility participating in your care. For example, laboratory and radiology services at the primary care sites may be processed at another facility.

Monthly statement of account

The monthly statement of account will look different from the itemized statement.

The guarantor ID on the statement is the billing account number. The addressee is the person designated to receive the monthly billing statement listing all patients and accounts for which that person is financially responsible. A one-time summary of itemization of any new self-pay balances appears on the monthly statement after insurance pays.

The monthly statement of account includes these important features:

  • Account Activity. This is the summary of new charges and detail of payments and adjustments made on each visit since the previous monthly statement.
  • Insurance Claims Pending. This is a summary of the amount under consideration by your insurance company.
  • Insurance Payments Received. This is a summary of the payments received by your insurance company.
  • Personal Payments Received. This is a summary of the payments received by you.
  • Current Amount Due. This is your total balance minus any amount listed in the Insurance Claims Pending due for services provided at Mayo Clinic.

Itemized statement

Mayo Clinic generates an itemized statement of charges that is available through Patient Online Services. This document is not a bill. It will provide detailed visit billing information that won't appear on the monthly statement of account. Please retain this information for your records.

The itemized statement of charges includes the following information:

  • Mayo Clinic account ID
  • Patient name
  • Date of service
  • Location of service
  • Quantity and charge amount
  • Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) billing codes
  • Procedure description
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes
  • Identification of and information concerning your insurance company, if applicable

You may see more than one charge for one office visit. This can occur because the routine and preventive portion of the visit must be billed separately from the nonroutine and nonpreventive portion.

In some cases, you may receive multiple itemized statements associated with the same visit or account. You'll receive a separate itemized statement for each facility participating in your care. For example, laboratory and radiology services at the primary care sites may be processed at another facility.

Itemized hospital charges

Extensive, specific details of hospital services will not be listed on Mayo Clinic's itemized statement of charges or the monthly statement of account. To view itemized hospital charges, use Mayo Clinic Patient Online Services.

Alternatively, you may contact us by phone.

Call Patient Account Services at 844-217-9591 (toll-free), Monday through Friday.

  • All Mayo locations
  • Monday through Thursday
  • 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central time (during daylight saving time)
  • 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central time (during standard time)
  • Friday
  • 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (year round)