Print Post-service denials Insurance claims may be denied for many reasons. If your Mayo Clinic claim has been denied, a good first step is to consult the list below for suggestions on next steps toward resolving your claims issue. Authorization number is missing or invalid Benefits maximum for this time period has been reached Care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits Charges exceed your contracted/legislated fee schedule Claim or service lacks information for payment processing Insufficient or incomplete requested information Lack of authorization or pre-certification prior to services Lack of referral authorization Motor vehicle or other liability insurance Multiple physician assistants Not covered by this payer or contractor Psychiatry services Dental services Noncovered services or diagnosis code Not an eligible dependent based on our records Not medically necessary Patient cannot be identified as our insured Service deemed experimental/investigational or not proven to be effective Usual and customary reductions (UCR) Work-related injury or illness You may also wish to review some general hints on insurance appeals. March 01, 2018 ART-20203430